Un buen Consejo/Sharing with a Friend [women's annual exam]: This piece has a friend explaining what to expect at a family planning appointment.
Un camino hacia la clínica/A Path to Clinic Access: Community members share advice about successfully accessing clinic services, including documents needed, making and keeping appointments and translation advice.
Tomando Acción/Taking Action:A series of three stories about Domestic Violence - Women sharing what Domestic Violence is, advice to creating a safety plan and how to access help with someone you trust.
Por el bien de tu bebe/For the Good of Your Baby (pregnancy and precautions for rural women): This brochure addresses topics that can affect the health of babies born to farmworker women: pesticides, listeria, domestic violence, caffeine, folic acid and also explains danger signs during pregnancy. Space is available for clinic personalization!
Pongámonos de acuerdo/Family Planning: This lower literacy, 8-page, magazine was developed with community health workers. Topics include a youth corner, men's section and menopause. The magazine highlights a fotonovela that clearly outlines what to expect at a family planning appointment. The centerfold presents birth control methods in an easy-to-read chart.
Pricing for sets of 100.