This 8-page, color magazine is chock full of facts related to tobacco use, cessation and the affects of tobacco on the body. This is a lower-literacy print tool to increase prevention in the Hispanic community and to encourage the use of the Florida Quitline...
This curriculum utilizes the popular arts as the medium for leadership development and health education training. This curriculum serves as an excellent compliment to your organization's lay-health worker or youth peer program. All of the activities are broken down into action steps and include an e..
A teenager almost loses her date to the graduation prom because of her smoking habits. But, thanks to friends showing her the dangers of cigarettes, she is able to quit.Bilingual fotonovela...
This 'zine was developed by farmworker teens as a unique medium of expression through artwork, poetry and a short fotonovela about their environment, their future and the dangers of tobacco use.Bilingual magazine...
Two friends find the courage to speak up against smokers at their party, and learn that in doing so they can actually make a difference. This story also addresses the effects of second hand smoke.Bilingual fotonovela...