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Strengthening Families/Parenting

Strengthening Families/Parenting
Consejos para una vida abundante
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Brand: RWHP Model: csch002
Consejos útiles para manejar la salud emocional.Tips on how to manage emotional health.Available in Spanish, MAM and Mixteco.When printing these brochures at your local printer, give them the following specifications:Size: 11" x 8.5"Stock: 80# matte textInk: 4/4 - full color, double sidedBleed: none..
Ex Tax:$0.00
La salud dental
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Brand: RWHP Model: csch006
Consejos para aplicar en casa para el cuidado dental. At-home tips for dental health.Available in Spanish, Mixteco and MAM.When printing these brochures at your local printer, give them the following specifications:Size: 11" x 8.5"Stock: 80# coated textInk: 4/4 - full color, double sidedBleed: ..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Un alivio para los padres
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Brand: RWHP Model: csch005
Aprenda los requisitos médicos para el regreso a clases. Learn medical requirements for back to school in Florida. We have provided an area for personalization. We recommend Avery 6792 which is 5/8” x 3”. You can download a template from the Avery website.Available in Spanish, MAM and Mixt..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Una Buena salud empieza con la nutrición
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Brand: RWHP Model: csch003
Beneficios y sugerencias de mantener una dieta saludable.Benefits and suggestions on maintaining a healthy diet.Available in Spanish, MAM and Mixteco.When printing these brochures at your local printer, give them the following specifications:Size: 14" x 8.5"Stock: 80# coated textInk: 4/4 - full colo..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Pongámonos de acuerdo: A Spanish-language family planning magazine
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Brand: RWHP Model: fmp0022
This lower literacy magazine, developed with lay-health workers is bright and image-filled. The 8-page magazine addresses many issues dealing with family planning including family size and birth control options. The large centerfold presents birth control methods in an easy to read chart. Additional..
Ex Tax:$75.00
Immigrant Women's Health Sampler
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Brand: RWHP Model: SMP005
Un buen Consejo/Sharing with a Friend [women's annual exam]: This piece has a friend explaining what to expect at a family planning appointment.Un camino hacia la clínica/A Path to Clinic Access: Community members share advice about successfully accessing clinic services, including documents needed,..
Ex Tax:$325.00
Corregir Con Firmeza y Cariño Poster (Positive Discipline with Love) - Spanish
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Brand: RWHP Model: fp78504
A stressed-out single mother learns how to discipline her children effectively without losing her temper...
Ex Tax:$4.00
Corregir Con Firmeza y Cariño Fotonovela (Positive Discipline with Love) - Spanish
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Brand: RWHP Model: fp84260
When a mother of three is at her wit's end, a daycare center worker teaches her ways to discipline her children using "timeout" instead of physical violence as a deterrent against their bad behavior...
Ex Tax:$1.20
Sin Perder Sus Raices Fotonovela (Without Losing your Roots) - Spanish
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Brand: RWHP Model: fp63498
An Hispanic family finds it difficult at times to get along in America without knowing English, but the mother fears that learning the new language will make the children forget their heritage...
Ex Tax:$1.20
Compartiendo Triunfos Fotonovela (Sharing Triumphs) - Spanish
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Brand: RWHP Model: fp82849
At their daughter's graduation ceremony, a couple explains how they helped their daughter to succeed in school by finding her a tutor to help with her schoolwork.  Her father's guidance and attention each night  brought positive results that helped her find motivation and success...
Ex Tax:$1.20
Sin Perder Sus Raices Poster (Without Losing your Roots) - Spanish
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Brand: RWHP Model: fp63549
A family finds a way to take advantage of the opportunity to learn English without having to sacrifice their heritage and traditions in the home...
Ex Tax:$4.00
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)
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