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Brand: RWHP Model: hur22ltdl
Lotería (Bingo) is a visual learning tool for the whole family. This game addresses steps to take for the preparation of storms or hurricanes. The visuals serve as discussion points for the players. Available in Spanish..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Un alivio para los padres
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Brand: RWHP Model: csch005
Aprenda los requisitos médicos para el regreso a clases. Learn medical requirements for back to school in Florida. We have provided an area for personalization. We recommend Avery 6792 which is 5/8” x 3”. You can download a template from the Avery website.Available in Spanish, MAM and Mixt..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Una Buena salud empieza con la nutrición
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Brand: RWHP Model: csch003
Beneficios y sugerencias de mantener una dieta saludable.Benefits and suggestions on maintaining a healthy diet.Available in Spanish, MAM and Mixteco.When printing these brochures at your local printer, give them the following specifications:Size: 14" x 8.5"Stock: 80# coated textInk: 4/4 - full colo..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Women's Health Literacy Brief
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Brand: RWHP Model: hs187547
Reproductive and emotional health are main tenants of comprehensive women’s health. These are vital elements for the successful utilization of risk reduction strategies by Hispanic Immigrant women...
Ex Tax:$0.00
Para Latinos... ¡la diabetes no tiene que marcar sus vidas! / Diabetes does not have to affect your lives! Para Latinos... ¡la diabetes no tiene que marcar sus vidas! / Diabetes does not have to affect your lives!
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Brand: RWHP Model: db0080
Aprenda sobre la diabetes, quienes están en riesgo, y como reducir su riesgo de tener diabetes. Learn about diabetes, who is at risk, and how to reduce your risk of having diabetes.Aprann sou dyabèt, ki moun ki nan risk, ak kijan pou diminye risk ou genyen pou w fè dyabèt...
Ex Tax:$0.00
Brand: RWHP Model: mh0020
La fotonovela de la salud del hombre discute temas de salud del hombre, como exámenes preventivos anuales, pasos para una vida saludable, y el impacto de COVID-19 en la salud del hombre. The Men’s Health fotonovela addresses men’s health topics, such as annual screenings, steps to a healthy lif..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Las mujeres y la familia
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Brand: RWHP Model: wh2249
Esta revista de salud femenina discute temas importantes como el ciclo menstrual, la planificación familiar, y la menopausia.  This women’s health magazine discusses important topics such as the menstrual cycle, family planning, and menopause. ..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Brand: RWHP Model: hlth0020
¡Mantenga los resultados de sus pruebas de detección en un solo lugar con este pasaporte de salud!Keep track of your screening tests in one place with this health passport! ..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Tomando Acción Fotonovela
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Brand: RWHP Model: fcadv1
These fotonovelas were developed statewide with members of the Hispanic community. Tomando Acción informs Hispanic women about available services: 1. Shelter and assistance for victims of abuse 2. Legal rights and legal services for immigrant women who are victims of domestic violence 3. How..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Vivir a todo pulmón (Live Life to Its Fullest) Fotonovela
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Brand: RWHP Model: tb2250dl
Vivir a todo pulmón (Live Life to Its Fullest) is a series of health education campaign materials for Spanish-speaking immigrants. The materials, available in both audio and print format, were developed to increase awareness about tuberculosis, while striving to reduce transmission and non-complianc..
Ex Tax:$0.00
Pongámonos de acuerdo: A Spanish-language family planning magazine
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Brand: RWHP Model: fmp0022
This lower literacy magazine, developed with lay-health workers is bright and image-filled. The 8-page magazine addresses many issues dealing with family planning including family size and birth control options. The large centerfold presents birth control methods in an easy to read chart. Additional..
Ex Tax:$75.00
Reality/"La Realidad" Fotonovela
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Brand: RWHP Model: hs3100
In this novela, Maria faces the reality that her husband's cheating puts her at risk for HIV/AIDS. The storyline utilizes the transtheoretical model.This novel is in English and Spanish...
Ex Tax:$1.00
Showing 13 to 24 of 163 (14 Pages)
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