Florida Promotor Initiative

The FPI was initiated in 2004 in recognition that lay-health workers, community health workers and peer advocates are the bridge between community and service providers in areas most affected by disparities in health and education. This is our initiative that houses the work of over 500 community health workers trained by the RWHP since 2004.

Known by many names: promotores, peer educators and community health workers, they are all community members who feel moved to serve their community. With trained, these community leaders strengthen the well-being of their community through increased access to critical health information and links to community service.

Each FPI Program follows a 7-point protocol:

  1. Each project is designed with community partners.
  2. Members of the community help develop the health messages.
  3. Lay-health workers serve as agents for community education.
  4. Local providers and social service groups prepare for potential referrals.
  5. Culturally and linguistically relevant materials and guides are distributed.
  6. Site Coordinators are trained to facilitate outreach services to build community involvement and inform community members about services.
  7. Outreach approaches include: home visits, community events, fairs and meetings.

The RWHP celebrates and acknowledges the incredible outreach of more than 500 Promotores, Community Health Workers and Peer Advocates who have been trained by the RHWP throughout Florida. Since 2004, these community leaders have completed more than 17,000 educational contacts. They have addressed health issues ranging from HIV prevention, chronic illness, the use of health clinics to early breast cancer detection.