The social services focus area, Project SALUD, is centered on reversing the factors that create disparities in immigrant communities. We do this by increasing access to health and social services of immigrants in Alachua, Levy, Gilchrist, Dixie, Marion, and Suwannee counties, by building informational capacity and health literacy. We hold social service providers accountable to providing language access and appropriately serving community members that are limited-English proficient (LEP).
Through our multilingual Project SALUD Referral Line (352-575-8024) we advocate, provide linkage to care and assist with case management. While we primarily serve Spanish speakers, we also assist a broader scope of Latin American immigrants, including speakers of indigenous languages, Haitian Kreyól and Portuguese speakers. Project S.A.L.U.D. Facebook is an additional resource:
To further support the Project SALUD referral line, we work with Promotores Comunitarias and Comunicadoras to disseminate information. Promotores and Comunicadoras interact with individuals within the communities that they live, providing them with information related to needs of community members (i.e. food distribution sites, community health events, hurricane preparedness, etc.). Comunicadoras utilize their networks to distribute information via Whatsapp circles, while Promotoras are out in the communities providing health education materials and charlas “orientations”. To learn more about our Promotores Comunitarias, please visit our Health Access page.
Partnering with El Sol Jupiter's Neighborhood Center in Palm Beach County, 10 promotores (male and female lay-health workers) carry out bi-monthly campaigns. These campaigns are based on a 2012 community health assessment carried out by the RWHP and SALUD promotores.
Each promotor takes the campaign message and materials into the homes, churches and workplaces of friends, neightbors and peers to spread prevention messaging and navigation to care.
SALUD supports Jupiter's MyClinic, a program providing primary care, referrals and dental care to the uninsured.
In 2012, SALUD, initially partnering with Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) in Marion County, promotores and center staff were capacitated to offer health presentations to groups and individuals.
Since then, SALUD works with the Ocala Farm Ministry, Marion County Migrant Education, the Mexican Consulate in Orlando and other partners. We seek to increase health literacy within the Latino community and integrate health programming throughout the county.
In 2016, joining the Measure Up Marion Board, SALUD works to address concerns about chronic illness and to improve access challenges faced by the communtiy.
Partnering with El Sol Jupiter's Neighborhood Center in Palm Beach County, 10 promotores (male and female lay-health workers) carry out bi-monthly campaigns. These campaigns are based on a 2012 community health assessment carried out by the RWHP and SALUD promotores.
Each promotor takes the campaign message and materials into the homes, churches and workplaces of friends, neightbors and peers to spread prevention messaging and navigation to care.
SALUD supports Jupiter's MyClinic, a program providing primary care, referrals and dental care to the uninsured.
In 2012, SALUD, initially partnering with Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) in Marion County, promotores and center staff were capacitated to offer health presentations to groups and individuals.
Since then, SALUD works with the Ocala Farm Ministry, Marion County Migrant Education, the Mexican Consulate in Orlando and other partners. We seek to increase health literacy within the Latino community and integrate health programming throughout the county.
In 2016, joining the Measure Up Marion Board, SALUD works to address concerns about chronic illness and to improve access challenges faced by the communtiy.
Project S.A.L.U.D. ayuda a la comunidad inmigrante con información en español y referencias a servicios de salud. La meta del Project S.A.L.U.D. es asegurar que cada persona pueda tener acceco a servicios médicos, sociales y legales sin importar las barreras de lenguaje, costo u otros factores.
Llame o deje un mensaje de texto o de voz al (352) 575-8024
Project S.A.L.U.D. — nos dedicamos a reducir las desigualdades de salud que afectan la comunidad Latina/Hispana en los condados de Marion, Levy, Gilchrist y Alachua.
- Es un servicio gratis y confidencial -
Project S.A.L.U.D. ayuda a la comunidad inmigrante con información en español y referencias a servicios de salud. La meta del Project S.A.L.U.D. es asegurar que cada persona pueda tener acceco a servicios médicos, sociales y legales sin importar las barreras de lenguaje, costo u otros factores.
Llame o deje un mensaje de texto o de voz al (352) 575-8024
Project S.A.L.U.D. — nos dedicamos a reducir las desigualdades de salud que afectan la comunidad Latina/Hispana en los condados de Marion, Levy, Gilchrist y Alachua.
Project S.A.L.U.D. Materials
En Camino Hacia la Clinica
En Camino Hacia la Clinica outlines 9 tips to taking full advantage of clinical services. From making an appointment to refilling prescriptions by phone, the key messages are presented in fotonovela-style with messages from providers and community members.
Contra los vientos
The “Contra los vientos” Bingo is a family game that is fun to play, but also teaches safety steps that the family can take when there is a hurricane or strong storm alert.