Project S.A.L.U.D. - El Sur (The South)
Partnering with El Sol Jupiter's Neighborhood Center in Palm Beach County, 10 promotores (male and female lay-health workers) carry out bi-monthly campaigns. These campaigns are based on a 2012 community health assessment carried out by the RWHP and SALUD promotores.
Each promotor takes the campaign message and materials into the homes, churches and workplaces of friends, neightbors and peers to spread prevention messaging and navigation to care.
SALUD supports Jupiter's MyClinic, a program providing primary care, referrals and dental care to the uninsured.
Project S.A.L.U.D. - El Norte (The North)
In 2012, SALUD, initially partnering with Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) in Marion County, promotores and center staff were capacitated to offer health presentations to groups and individuals.
Since then, SALUD works with the Ocala Farm Ministry, Marion County Migrant Education, the Mexican Consulate in Orlando and other partners. We seek to increase health literacy within the Latino community and integrate health programming throughout the county.
In 2016, joining the Measure Up Marion Board, SALUD works to address concerns about chronic illness and to improve access challenges faced by the communtiy.