Let’s Talk About It (LTAI) it is a multicultural program serving women living with HIV and female caregivers of adults and children living with HIV.
LTAI is a safe haven for women that might not otherwise find women like themselves to interact with. Members express their feelings and talk about any and everything. There is no pre-judging because of illness or lifestyle.
LTAI is about empowering ourselves to come out of our comfort zones, to speak up with our health care providers and others and to become advocates for those that may need support.
We join together regularly to support, encourage and empower one another to face and embrace our fears.
LTAI Advocates developed two fotonovelas (photo stories) to address issue of stigma faced by people living with HIV from by the faith-based community. This project is part of our Spark! funded media campaign. Thanks Southern AIDS Coalition!
Naomi's Dilemma is a fotonovela that reflects the compassion and leadership that churches can promote around HIV.
Click here to download.
Judge Not! is a fotonovela that reflect the impact of stigma on women living with HIV.
Click here to download.
Women Candidates' Political Forum Alachua County
2019 FL Lobbying Day - Meeting Senator Perry
FL Lobbying Days
LTAI member with CDC Director Redfield at AIDSWatch Washington DC
2019 AIDSWatch National Lobbying Day - Washington, DC
HIV Testing Day with County Commissioner Wheeler
Faith Leaders Kicking off our Judge Not! Program
The intersections impacting women living with HIV are many. As advocates, the members of Let's Talk About It created a series of social media posts to inform others about the importance of voting as well the process of being engaged. The results a a community survey served as the springboard for the topics and information for the development of the posts. Depending on the issue, the social media posts were shared with 115 churches, 18 counties, 16 organizations and 5 US states and Puerto Rico.
Click the image to view the campaign.