Please take a moment for residents who are not receiving critical, COVID-19 life-saving information in the language that they speak. They have an equal right to know where there is testing, when to seek medical care or how to apply for assistance.
We need to exert pressure on the State and local agencies to request compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Right ACT. This means providing parallel posting of of critical announcements on social media and websites and not expecting limited-English proficient individuals to have to dig for critical information at the bottom, as is the case on the Department of Health website.
Click the images below to access the actual letter sent out to the four state leaders or read the press release (in English, Spanish or Creole).
Let’s exert pressure. Every call counts! Contact these 4 key targets.
Thank you.
Short Script:
Tell Florida’s Leaders: Limited English Proficient individuals and communities deserve EQUAL ACCESS to information, emergency aid, programs and benefits during the COVID-19.
Please call or email now to voice your support for Florida’s communities.
Sample call or email script:
I urge you to provide meaningful access to COVID-19 related information to individuals with limited-English proficiency, as required by the Civil Rights Act. In times of crisis, the availability of vital resources in Spanish, Haitian Creole and other common languages in the state will make the difference between life and death. For example- leaving a translation of critical information at the bottom of a webpage is not equitable as it requires a non-English reader to have to find information on a webpagenot in their language. I request that you produce all COVID-19 related press releases, social media communication and press conferences with interpretation or translation, allowing EVERYONE access to life-impacting information. I ask you make these changes with urgency to prevent further harm.