Language is a lens to the way that people understand message context, see themselves within their communities and the way that they self-identify with messaging.
From its inception, the RWHP has been committed to developing materials with, and for, Spanish-speakers. Since then, we have witnessed the shifts in the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of immigrants from the Americas arriving in North Central Florida. As a result, we have evolved our language access understanding and responsibilities to reflect these changes.
To do this work, we have set out to learn how to improve the impact of our health and justice messaging, thanks to our partnerships with Language Access Florida, Red de Intérpretes y Promotores Interculturales de Mexico and Kikotemal TV de Guatemala.
Our goal is to spread health, justice and service information to speakers of Mesoamerican Indigenous language speakers within their new North Florida context. In doing so, we are committed to celebrate and affirm the cultural value of language in both oral and written formats.
Language is a lens to the way that people understand message context, see themselves within their communities and the way that they self-identify with messaging.
We created our Covid materials in Akateko, Creole, Mixteco, Kiche, MAM, Q'anjob'al and Zapoteco.
Click here.
We have created videos on various health topics in Akateko, Creole, Kiche, MAM, Mixteco and Q'anjob'al.
Click here.
We have created mulitple printed materials in Akateko, Creole, Kiche, MAM, Mixteco and Q'anjob'al that cover many health topics.
Click here.
Check out articles in the media about our efforts in Language Access.
Click here.
Take a look at our campaign to Demand State Compliance to provide critical COVID-19 information in Spanish and Creole.
Click here.