Click the images below to meet our Promotores de SALUD!


Our History

Our initial goal began to reduce the health inequities experienced by people of color, demonstrate recognition of their presence in our community and offer support that is needed to quarantine and survive COVID-19. For this we worked with UF’s Equal Access Clinic Network and UF MedLife by providing a hotline for Spanish speakers to call with questions about COVID, find testing, medical monitoring and vaccines.
Our common vision is to serve Spanish-speaking Latinx community members in North Central Florida who are experiencing any of the following:
  • COVID-19 symptoms
  • have tested positive
  • been in close contact with a person experiencing COVID-19
  • desires access to COVID-19 vaccinations
Our goal is to reduce the health inequities experienced by people of color, demonstrate recognition of their presence in our community and offer support that is needed to quarantine and survive COVID-19.
VIVIR responds to:
  • disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color
  • a void of linkage to care options for limited English proficient Spanish-speakers
  • provide information in Spanish to limited English proficient speakers
  • the limited dissemination of information on legal rights around COVID-19 as related to housing, labor and other rights
  • the responsibility to make all residents seen and included in a unified response to COVID-19

Check out our
Cosecha Page
Cosecha logo
For more information on COVID and COVID tips, please click here.
VIVIR Funders:
Alianza Americas logoNational Center for Farmworker Health logoUF MedLife logo
Best Practices
Thank you to our partners:
Florida Health Department logoFlorida Migrant Education Program logoEast Coast Migrant Head Start Project logoUF Equal Access Clinic Network logoHoly Family Catholic Church Williston logoLevy County Emergency Management logoUF MedLife logoOcala Farm Ministry logoProject SALUD logoRCMA logoUF Health logoWalgreens logo